


Farrel Meltzer

CEO and Chairman


Farrel Meltzer

CEO and Chairman





Graeme Paterson

Chief Operating Officer


Graeme Paterson

Chief Operating Officer

BA/BComm (Monash); Post-graduate Diploma Applied Finance & Investment (FINSIA)

Graeme has more than 20 years of experience in international banking and finance markets and has built operational capabilities across the banking and structured finance industry in Australia, Asia and the UK. This includes a number of senior operational and strategy roles at National Australia Bank, including Chief Operating Officer for NAB’s business in Japan. Graeme joined Wingate in 2019 and is responsible for oversight of Wingate’s Property and Corporate Investments operational functions.

Sahar Aref

Executive Director, People Experience


Sahar Aref

Executive Director, People Experience


Sahar is a human resources leader with experience within diverse sectors such as higher education and private banking space such as American Express and Standard Chartered Bank. Sahar has an unwavering commitment to fostering organisational success through a ‘people-first’ approach, creating supportive and inclusive work environments. Her experience is across organisational development, capability building, change management, and employee engagement with an emphasis on aligning people practices with operational and strategic needs of the organisation. As a certified leadership coach, she has consistently empowered individuals to reach their full potential, making a lasting difference for the people and teams she has partnered with.

Tina Davey



Tina Davey


LLB (hons)

Tina is an accomplished corporate lawyer with extensive experience in private practice and in-house roles in Australia, including at AIA Australia, National Australia Bank and Ashurst.

Tina’s experience extends across a broad range of industry sectors and jurisdictions with a focus on finance, mergers and acquisitions and general corporate law. She is also a board member of Fifo Capital.

Tina leads Wingate’s legal, risk & compliance team and is responsible for governance, legal risk management and provision of legal services across the Group.

Adam Carew



Adam Carew



Adam Carew是一位融资行业领袖,曾任职于领先的全国性会计和税务事务所博诚,并在澳大利亚最大的一间家族理财室之一担任集团财务总监。除集团财务管理和财务控制以外,Adam还负责管理该家族的私募股权投资组合。



Michael Nathan

Head of Property Analysis and Risk


Michael Nathan

Head of Property Analysis and Risk

Michael has more than 15 years of experience in real estate finance and property development.

Prior to joining Wingate, he held roles at Macquarie Group, including as Fund Manager of Macquarie Real Estate Equity Funds and Senior Manager within Macquarie Development Capital. Michael was integral in acquiring, structuring, and delivering many residential apartments, townhouses, and land subdivision projects across Australia. He also provided property advisory services within Macquarie Group for infrastructure and structured finance projects. Michael has also had various property and finance roles in two major financial institutions in Melbourne and London.

At Wingate, Michael is responsible for assessing risk at Wingate Property.

James Brest



James Brest



James Brest在企业融资领域经验丰富,拥有私募股权行业背景,曾在澳大利亚和英国任职。James曾在伦敦花旗集团工作,后出任Ingenious集团高级投资总监,掌管多个另类投资基金。



Andy Ridings

Head of Marketing and Communications


Andy Ridings

Head of Marketing and Communications

For over twenty-five years, Andy has worked within client, agency and consultancy organisations to define and deliver customer strategy and marketing solutions across a diverse range of industries and operating environments. His experience spans the banking, insurance, real estate, Not For Profit, retail and automotive sectors with an emphasis on the customer, leveraging data to drive growth and delivering commercial outcomes aligned to corporate strategy. His most recent experiences in private banking and wealth management have positioned him well for his role at Wingate.

Nick Jacobson



Nick Jacobson



Nick Jacobson是一位享有盛誉的地产和金融专家,拥有逾30年的行业经验。在加入Wingate之前,Nick是CapStra金融控股公司的创始人兼董事总经理;这是澳大利亚独立地产融资和咨询领域的一家知名公司。



Selwyn Schroeder



Selwyn Schroeder




Michael Sack

Managing Director, Private Capital


Michael Sack

Managing Director, Private Capital


Michael Sack是一位成就卓著的金融服务高管,曾在澳大利亚天达银行(Investec Bank)和澳新银行集团公司(ANZ Banking Group)担任高级职务。在加入Wingate之前,Michael在澳大利亚最大的家族理财室之一担任执行董事。Michael还是Openpay有限公司的创始人。该公司是一家澳交所上市公司,在提供“先买后付型”金融解决方案领域系业界领先的服务提供商。


Michael leads Wingate’s Private Capital activities which are responsible for institutional and private funding, product development and management.

Andrew Foster



Andrew Foster


B.Eng (hons), MBA

Andrew is a seasoned finance professional with over 25 years of experience across investment, treasury, credit advisory, and capital structuring roles. Andrew is the lead Portfolio Manager at Wingate, overseeing the investment activities of its flagship private credit funds: The Wingate Investment Partners Trust (WIP) and the Wingate Property Senior Debt Fund (WPSD).

Prior to joining Wingate, Andrew served as a Company Director at CapStra, managing a significant portfolio of real estate loans and providing financial advisory services on over $5bn of property developments. Andrew also has deep experience in international investment banking, including a decade at Goldman Sachs where his roles encompassed treasury, bespoke financing, credit rating and capital structure advisory functions, and as a Director at Deutsche Bank in London.

Andrew holds an MBA from the University of Texas and a BEng (Civil/Structural, Hons) from the University of Tasmania.

Board Members

Farrel Meltzer


Farrel Meltzer





Franco Dogliotti


Franco Dogliotti


Franco于2006年作为创始合伙人加入Wingate,并与Farrel Meltzer一道通过20年的时间引领公司走上了成功之路。




Richard Blumberg


Richard Blumberg


Richard Blumberg在澳大利亚和海外金融市场拥有丰富的经验,曾在ING Barings、天达银行、Hindal Group和River Capital等机构任职。

Richard在信贷市场、结构性债务、消费信贷以及国内和国际私募股权方面拥有深厚的经验。Richard是NOW Finance(Wingate消费金融事业部)的首席执行官兼创始人,负责该平台的战略和开发;该平台是澳大利亚消费贷款领域的重要参与者。此外,Richard还在Wingate的多个投资委员会任职,并担任Wingate集团控股公司董事会的成员。

Mark Harrison


Mark Harrison

Mark Harrison在澳大利亚房地产和地产融资行业拥有逾25年的丰富经验。自2008年加入Wingate以来,Mark一直执掌房地产事业部,使其发展成为澳大利亚最活跃的地产债务和股权平台之一。


Mark is currently Managing Director, Business Development at Wingate and is an executive member of the Wingate Group Holdings Board of Directors.

Antony Cohen


Antony Cohen


Antony是一位拥有全球视野以及32年工作经验的资深高管。他曾在毕马威国际会计公司任职28年,期间以合伙人身份担任过多个职位,包括估值业务主管、并购业务主管、行业重组和私有化业务主管、能源和自然资源业务主管以及董事会成员。他曾在Better Place Australia(一家电动汽车充电网络运营商)担任了三年的首席财务官,后又升任至该公司的首席执行官。Antony在能源、公用事业以及其他多种行业拥有全球公认的行业经验,包括采矿、零售、航空、运输和物流、媒体、制造业、房地产等。他曾担任过许多社区职务,包括比亚里克学院(Bialik College)理事会成员和前财务官;两次担任国家科学技术中心Questacon理事会成员;Solar Flagships前理事会成员;澳大利亚以色列商会前理事;AUSiMED现任主席。

Nick Palmer


Nick Palmer

董事会成员兼首席执行官 (临时)


作为一位久经沙场,经验丰富的商业领袖,Nick Palmer已在多个行业深耕30多载,其专长侧重于战略、业绩改进和领导力等事务领域。

Nick曾担任两家大型私营集团的首席执行官和董事,同时也是全球顶尖战略咨询巨头贝恩公司(Bain & Company)的前合伙人及金融服务业务负责人。他还曾在波士顿咨询集团和麦格理银行等公司担任高级职位。Nick在美国、亚洲和澳大利亚等地拥有丰富的职业经历,为各类资产管理公司、银行和投资机构提供过咨询服务。

Nick is a longstanding Senior Advisor to Wingate and is a member of the Wingate Group Holdings Board. He also assumed the role of Wingate Interim CEO between February and November 2023

Board Advisors and Committee Members

Rob Bazzani


Rob Bazzani

Rob spent over 21 years with global consulting firm KPMG, serving in multiple senior roles including Chairman of KPMG Victoria, National Managing Partner of KPMG Australia’s Enterprise Division and National Managing Partner for KPMG’s M&A Division.  He was also a member of the National Executive Committee, which oversaw KPMG’s turnover, strategic decision making, profitability and operations.

Rob’s board experience covers both private and listed companies.  His current directorships include Chair of Mach7 Technologies Ltd (ASX: M7T), Non-Executive Director of Keypath Education International Inc (ASX: KED), Chair of Natrio Pty Ltd and Chair of ORDE Financial Pty Limited.  He previously served as a Non-Executive Director at Class Limited (ASX: CL1).

Rob has extensive experience in corporate finance and corporate advisory, with deep knowledge across financial services, asset and wealth management, property, insurance and consumer & industrial markets.

Jennifer Darbyshire


Jennifer Darbyshire

Jennifer has extensive senior executive experience in governance, law, conduct risk and regulatory risk across a range of sectors and in a variety of roles and organisations, including international experience.  She currently sits on the Boards of the Melbourne International Jazz Festival and the Melbourne Theatre Company Foundation. Previous directorships include the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, the Financial Ombudsman Service Limited, Heide Museum of Modern Art (Chair) and St Vincent’s & Mercy Private Hospital.

Jennifer previously worked at the National Australia Bank, where her roles included EGM Conduct & Regulatory Risk, General Counsel Governance and General Counsel of NAB’s subsidiary Clydesdale & Yorkshire Bank in the UK.  She also previously worked in private legal practice (including King & Wood Mallesons in Melbourne and Linklaters in London).

Jennifer is Chair of Wingate’s Risk & Compliance Committee.

Geoff Tomlinson


Geoff Tomlinson

Geoff has an extensive commercial background spanning more than 40 years and was member of the Wingate Group Holdings board up until August 2023.

His executive experience has been gained within the financial services industry, in Australia and a number of other countries including Hong Kong, USA and UK.

For the past eighteen years, he has been active as a Non-Executive Director covering a broad range of industries including banking/wealth management, property and property maintenance, technology, spring water bottling and distribution, and mining services and infrastructure.

Geoff is a member of Wingate’s Remuneration Committee.

Scott Keck


Scott Keck


Scott Keck是澳大利亚首屈一指的独立战略地产咨询公司Charter Keck Cramer的董事长。Scott在澳大利亚地产估价和企业房地产领域拥有48年的丰富经验,并经常以高级谈判人员身份参与地产市场中复杂商业及法定问题的谈判,以及就大型法定及私人公司的大额投资组合估值提供建议。他曾就资产收购、处置和住宿解决方案为许多企业客户提供咨询服务,并经常在诉讼程序中以专家证人身份出庭。Scott对公司治理、问责制度、增长战略和业务运营有着深刻的洞见。

Tony Woods


Tony Woods

Tony has over 40 years experience in the Banking, Financial Services and Funds Management industry, occupying a range of Senior Executive Business and Risk roles with global responsibilities at ANZ and National Australia Bank and also as CRO of non-bank property financier MaxCap Group. In his time at MaxCap, Tony chaired the Group Investment and Audit Risk and Compliance Committees, and was a member of the Private Equity, ESG and Group Management Committees.

Tony held the largest individual lending authorities available at both Banks and was also a member of the NAB Group’s Global Transactional Credit Committee which approved the Bank’s largest transactions. In addition to transactional and credit roles covering all business areas at NAB including property and valuations, Tony was responsible for developing and implementing the group risk oversight and monitoring framework and ongoing testing across the globe, working closely with APRA and other regulators to ensure the Bank met its regulatory obligations wherever it operated. This included leading all testing functions globally.

An experienced company director and Investment and Audit Committee Chair, Tony is the Founder and Managing Director of Bayburt & Woods a specialist risk advisory business which provides strategic risk advice to corporations, fund managers and family offices, specialising in creation of new Funds, governance and risk management, business and property lending and financing and wealth creation.

Ronald Pitcher AM


Ronald Pitcher AM


Ron是博诚会计事务所(Pitcher Partners)的创始人和前高级合伙人。博诚是澳大利亚首屈一指的知名中型会计和税务事务所。在创立博诚之前,Ron是墨尔本毕马威事务所的副管理合伙人。他在会计和商业咨询行业积累了逾50年的丰富经验,曾为澳大利亚一些最大的家族企业提供建议并担任其法律顾问。Ron曾在多家上市公司和私营公司的董事会任职,担任董事长以及审计和薪酬委员会主席等职务。Ron的主要专长领域包括审计、商业及财务咨询和顾问,并拥有多种行业的资深经验,包括金融服务业、制造业、服务业、批发业、进口业、零售业、农业等广泛领域。

Paul Carr


Paul Carr

Paul is an experienced audit partner with over 25 years of local and international experience.

This experience has included over 15 years as partner, including, leading the BDO Melbourne audit practice and various roles while a partner at Deloitte.

During this time Paul has worked across numerous industries and clients, but has specialised in the area of funds management across various asset classes, including; property (retail, office, commercial and development), equities and agriculture.

Paul has been involved with Wingate in several roles over numerous years and is currently a member of the audit committee.

Graham Pearson


Graham Pearson


Graham is an Independent Member of the Wingate Direct Property Investment Committee. He has spent over 40 years in the commercial real estate industry in Australia and the United Kingdom, with 20 years directly involved in the funds management of unlisted real estate funds.  His experience includes funds management, capital raising, asset management, investment sales, valuation and leasing across all commercial property sectors.

Graham currently holds Non-Executive Director positions at Investa Property Group and M3 Property, is an External Member of the Board Property Committee at Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT and a consultant for NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT.  In his executive career, Graham held senior real estate funds management positions at Dexus, Colonial First State and Lend Lease.

Graham is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS) and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).  He holds a Graduate Diploma in Property Investment and Finance together with a degree in Land Economy from Cambridge University.

Jeff Cohenca


Jeff Cohenca


他曾在Ashe Morgan Winthrop担任了数年董事,在墨尔本为该公司建立了结构性融资能力,并利用商业抵押担保证券(CMBS)计划开创了该公司的全国商业地产借贷业务。在成立Cohenca Consulting之前,Jeff曾任麦格理集团房地产结构融资部的部门总监。